Lightning Swords Of Death

Lightning Swords Of Death "Baphometic Chaosium" CD

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01. Baphometic Chaosium
02. Acid Gate
03. Psychic Waters
04. Cloven Shields
05. Chained to Decay
06. R'Lyeh Wuurm
07. Epicyclarium
08. Oaken Chrysalis

LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH prepares to bring forth their third full length offering, the band's second release on Metal Blade. The band had appropriately become a five piece (completing the pentacle) with the recruitment of lead guitarist "Inverted" Chris Velez, before they began developing what is described as "devotional work", dedicated to their patron god - A mind altering experience compelled by the embodiment of chaos, death and ecstasy entitled Baphometic Chaosium. To record the psychedelic devilry, they returned to Trench Studios with John Haddad again seeing to the engineering with Roskva producing, no doubt to the delight of the tributed horned deity.

Metal Blade Records item #151512